Archive for Cat’s and Dogs

My new frency fancy. I’m sorry Yelle, it’s over.

Copyright - RosieRoguerre 2008

Copyright - RosieRoguerre 2008

For those of you that read culturejamjar, you will know that I covered The Big Chill in Eastnor last weekend  –

Leonard Cohen’s performance was by far the most moving, monumental even but I came away from the festival with a new french fancy by then name of Camille.

She bounced onto the stage rocking an orange poncho/smock giggling  “Ello, I am the froggie” and then performed an quirky, funny and passionate set which included her beatboxing her openings and making a sea of people miaow and bark.

She’s been around for a while, but until Sunday was new to me, I would recommend going to see her play, she is a fabulous oddball.